

The reality is restrictions will loosen until hospitalizations start to spike again and then they’ll tighten again. It’s going to drag on until there’s a vaccine. I doubt it’ll even require government mandates. People will do it on their own at this point.
Scientists believe they’ve found a mutation that’s weakening the virus. So hopefully we are on the right track to being completely open. I sure hope so.
On top of that Pfizer is working on a vaccine that is believed to be very effective. Fingers crossed

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Scientists believe they’ve found a mutation that’s weakening the virus. So hopefully we are on the right track to being completely open. I sure hope so.
Ya. We keep learning more and more about it which is nice. They’ll figure out something, at risk people should stay in, everyone else can probably start getting back to normal. If there is some consideration for people to self isolate when they have symptoms we’d all do better.


Well-Known Member
Won't happen until the media is declared non-essential and ordered to stay home.
Lots of them are working from home through Skype and other medium.
They would have to be forced to communicate by the green power they gladly attempt to foist on us.

You know windmills or

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