

Well-Known Member
Where does ANY of that say that Texas will be shut down?

Are you a product of the California Public School Education System ?
Ignorant people like you are quick to point out California's failures and death rate while you're right there with us with 10 million less people. Just watch that death rate climb each day keep saying to yourself you don't need to shut down. Lol


Strength through joy
Around $465 billion of Biden’s $1.9 trillion ‘rescue plan’ is earmarked to go directly to Americans’ wallets.
So where is the other $1.435 T going ?


Well-Known Member
what about australia? their population is not far off from canada. i dot see how the island comparison works; some countries are doing badly and some do good.
Hey @rickyb I'm curious of what you think should be done in the US in response to Covid (starting now).
I understand you think our leaders could have prevented a lot of deaths if we took the New Zealand approach.
But here we are, what should we do from here?
(I’m only interested in Covid right now. We can do climate change tomorrow).