

Get a clue... We are tired of the stupid lock-downs.

Californians Are Revolting Against the Lockdown.
Small business owners and sheriffs are leading the revolt against Governor Gavin Newsom's stay-at-home orders,
which they say are unscientific and ineffective.

Get a clue. And you wonder why SoCal is the hot spot in the country. That's why I said there is no lockdown because nobody follows the rules anyway.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Get a clue. And you wonder why SoCal is the hot spot in the country. That's why I said there is no lockdown because nobody follows the rules anyway.
That's a lie. Everywhere we go people are wearing masks, social distancing and using hand sanitizer including us. You don't need to shut down outdoor dining because that is not where people are catching COVID. ttku

If you're obese, old, or have other conditions....stay home. It's that simple.


That's a lie. Everywhere we go people are wearing masks, social distancing and using hand sanitizer including us. You don't need to shut down outdoor dining because that is not where people are catching COVID. ttku

If you're obese, old, or have other conditions....stay home. It's that simple.
Bs and you know it.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Your partner in crime recently said this:

“We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass. The cost is too high. We will have nothing left to open,” the governor tweeted. “We must reopen the economy, but we must do it smartly and safely.” Cuomo


Well-Known Member
Vaccine distribution and administration should have been handed off to the military months ago. They are the best in the world at logistics.
It's not a distribution / logistics issue the problem is once it gets to where it's been delivered they're not getting it into people's arms quick enough in some cases the people are being offered at a refusing it, that sense I guess the military could just go ahead and grab them and stick it in their arms


That's a lie. Everywhere we go people are wearing masks, social distancing and using hand sanitizer including us. You don't need to shut down outdoor dining because that is not where people are catching COVID. ttku

If you're obese, old, or have other conditions....stay home. It's that simple.


Inordinately Right

The investigating team may not visit Wuhan, where the virus was first detected back in 2019. China’s government strictly controlled domestic research into the origins of the virus, while state-owned media pushed theories that the virus originated elsewhere, according to the Associated Press.

Efforts to closely guard information surrounding the virus and its origins may have led to delayed warnings about the pandemic and difficulties establishing early testing capabilities.


Retired 23 years
Mn. opened up their bars and cafes again today. Just it time for it to be announced that the "new" more highly contagious COVID has hit the state. Whoopee--we'er all gonna die.


Well-Known Member
What will be? Will NASCAR or WWE be on TV to keep you company as our democratic republic moves on from Trump with or without you?
Not into either. I imagine you'll be dabbing your vagina when it gets a bit damp from watching Joe stumble through his acceptance speech? Perhaps a couple of climatic rubs at the one america parts of his speech?

just out of curiosity will you be reporting this post for deletion like you have some of the other posts I've made?