Not Drinking Enough water!!!


Well-Known Member
My father always drank Jack Daniel's and water. He called it "Jack-and-a-splash". Just a drip of water went in the glass. Not sure if management would think that is enough. Not sure if that even pertains to this discussion.


Well-Known Member
I think what frustrates us as employees the most is the amount of lip service and empty gestures that the company offers in regards to safety.

I wouldn't disagree with this at all. What I will say is UPS doesn't exist in a vacuum on this or other safety issues. Every corporation is now aware of the cost involved with safety and health issues and accidents and injuries and illness. Every large corporation and many midsize and smaller ones have some sort of accident, injury and illness abatement program, and the reason is it saves dollars. Drinking water on a hot day is common sense, no? We already had one poster say they survive on Red Bull, or 5hour Energy. If the company can get every worker off the pop and energy drinks there is no need to pull the 15 stops off on a 95 degree day, because, well, they'll be just fine.

I think its a pipe dream that the company's goal should be to reduce the dispatch on a hot day, they've never done it before and they certainly know that putting more cars on the road is expensive. As a 30+ year employee who has banged his head against the wall a few times, my response is I'm going to continue to drink water and live to bang another day.


Well-Known Member
The last ride along I had, he wrote me up for lack of water intake. I refused to sign off. I explained that dt. pepsi was pretty much water except for a few extra ingredients. If the wanted a letter from the doctor that states what I need to drink and when, I would be VERY HAPPY to accommodate. But, we would be headed down slippery slope of accommodations. Does he want to go that route? My on-car and I looked at each other for several very long and tense seconds. He withdrew the comment.

Generally caffeine is considered a diuretic. So not really. Unless it's caffeine free diet, but you didn't mention that. Not to mention aspartame rotting your brain.


Well-Known Member
The problem is that it isn't concern. It's, yet, another form of discipline wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket of concern.

Just a point of clarification. The OP was talking about a No being marked on the drinking water line of a yearly S&V ride documentation. While this is technically writting on a form, and could be considered "written up" per the OP, it is simply a training document that in most cases is not even kept in the employees file, it is kept in most centers in a seperate S&V binder. It is also not a pittsburgh form, and therefore not discipline.


We did an all day S&V and during the 10 hr ride the supervisor noted that driver did not hydrate enough and he documented it. He was supervising you, he was doing his job..period.

Did he do something wrong? No. If you worked at a different company would you still piss and moan about it? Anyone that has their people working in a hot environment are going to make/tell them to stay hydrated. If you were in the military and you were standing down or resting on an op, what do you tell your people...drink water. Landscapers carry water on their trucks...its not for the lawn.

Diet Pepsi - Apples - Yogurt - and everything else you can name are not going to replace..


Not interested in you writing on the S&V about clarification on why you are not drinking water.

So once beat the heat.

Start drinking water the night before
Get a good nights rest
Stay hydrated thru out the day
Take your lunch and break (some place cool, make sure you drink water and eat something)
and hope you have 15 less stops that day and don't have to go help someone.


Wrong, thanks for trying...apples are high in water content (around 75-85%) and can prevent dehydration as well as "an apple a day...", which I assure you would know, being so high and mighty in that office...

Maybe not speak of what you don't know, or make pretend, whatever ;)

You cannot dictate to me or anyone else what to eat or drink and certainly are not qualified to be telling others how to do so.


bella amicizia
Why don't they write up feedah drivers for eating ho-ho's or Wendy's mushroom and swiss super sized value meals?(hehehehe hi covey :-])

Why don't we have weekly weigh-in's?

Why don't they dictate how much water is enough water?


My Senior Picture
Last 2 drivers that have their yearly safety rides, have been wrote up for not drinking enough water!!!! If we are going to be forced to drink a certain amount of water,,,,, shouldn't to company be forced to supply the water!!! I'm all for getting a little frig put in the back of Big Brown!!!! I could drink water in the mornings and switch over to beer later in the afternoon!!! Kinda take the edge off of a hard day!!

Just a point of clarification. The OP was talking about a No being marked on the drinking water line of a yearly S&V ride documentation. While this is technically writting on a form, and could be considered "written up" per the OP, it is simply a training document that in most cases is not even kept in the employees file, it is kept in most centers in a seperate S&V binder. It is also not a pittsburgh form, and therefore not discipline.

Not sure how you were able to ascertain this from the OP's original post?


bella amicizia
Ok. Why aren't thy monitoring the water intake of management? Why aren't they monitoring the water intake of the sales people? If nothing else, it is discriminatory by its very nature.


All Trash No Trailer
mountain.jpg meet molehill.jpg


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Yup, Im out. Im fine, I know how to hydrate, I know when I need it, and how much I need. Its all just more bs to take the attention away from more important things. They always tell me my pace is too slow, Im older, physical condition and age.........Other than that they cant tell me what I do wrong, but they gotta write something.
This thread just proves it is a diversion. Just one more way to try and cover their butt, when someone gets heat stroke. It will of course never ever be their fault.
I need to hydrate, bye.


The actual "method" on the form simply states; "Drinks water throughout the day." To me this is pretty cut and dry and does not require a medical licence. The on road supervisor is simply making an observation from the ride; did he observe the employee drinking water throughout the day. If he did not then he puts a "no" in the box. If he does, he puts a yes.

If you want to get technical, it does specifically state water. Diet Pepsi, or any other soft drink, does not classify as water last time I checked.


Retired 22 years
This thread makes me laugh. Years ago when being trained as a delivery driver the suit training me finally let me make a delivery to a business on my own while he waited in the package car. It was at a bank where he could watch through the widows every move I made. It was one of the hottest days of the year so I quick grabbed a sip or 2 of water out of the drinking fountain on the way out. As I stepped up into the truck his exact words were "Sure- as soon as I turn my back on you you go to **** on me". He wasn't talking about my delivery methods he was criticizing me for taking extra time to sneak a drink of water. I learned early on that UPS speaks out of both sides of their mouth when it comes to safety issues. I know I have posted this story before but I had to do it again because I know upstate likes to hear my tales of days gone by.


Bad Moon Risen'
Can't have water, cell phone, etc. in the cab of the package car because it's a distraction. Leave the water in the cargo area and after a few hours in the sun you could boil an egg in it. Stop at a gas station to buy some cold water and get accused of stealing time. No matter what we do, they will find fault with!


Well-Known Member
Can't have water, cell phone, etc. in the cab of the package car because it's a distraction. Leave the water in the cargo area and after a few hours in the sun you could boil an egg in it. Stop at a gas station to buy some cold water and get accused of stealing time. No matter what we do, they will find fault with!

Bring a two-gallon Igloo with fresh water and ice each day. It WILL make it through the day cold. I have seen the results of a top secret study on this.