Now FedEx Ground is done with Amazon


double tap o da horn dooshbag
Those blue ‘Prime’ vans have AC and a radio. The van I got to check out had folding shelves in the cargo area. They’re all Mercedes vans...

Not quite, my area is avoiding those expensive Mercedes:


Mostly FWD dodge promasters due to the winter months.

And maybe a few Ford transit cargo vans:



The FDX Ground route near mine has had a large UHaul truck with two VERY SLOW fat chicks on it since right before last peak. I don’t know how they are able to finish the route at the speed they are walking. They park on the wrong side of the road too but the move out of the way when others need through.

Got any pics


Well-Known Member
I've been running peak volume for a month now. We just got a cover guy(s) running one of the routes in my loop as the normie is taking four weeks of vacation. They keep ODSing me to go help him. "I can't"

I got two misloads today. They tell me I have to make sure they are delivered. "I can't"

I have zero time to do anything at all. I'm late to all my pickups, one of them has stopped shipping all nda through us because we are no longer reliable, and if anything at all happens, such as a few on demand pickups, I'm totally fked. I have no leeway anymore.

Every single day we leave late and every single day we all get a message "run straight air".

Mngmt has started holding little seminars in the morning, complete with a stop watch, to "train" us to go faster.

Apparently it should only take us 9 seconds to stop, open the door, grab our one small 1 pound box that just happens to be at the very front of our 1000 shelf, set it down on the floor, and exit the package car, AND pick the box back up.

Mngmt is going to get back to me about searching for a 80 pound irreg in the mess that preload leaves me and load it on my dolly.

I mean it takes me more than 9 seconds just to get my dolly out. UPS is bonkers
Did they factor in that Orion stop in the 6800 sector and ripping the truck apart like you’re looking for your car keys?


Well-Known Member
Lmao. Ve
I feel this way. No beards and no tattoos is very old fashioned. It’d be better if they had an approved list of facial hair styles. Funny that mustaches are acceptable when they are like the creepiest thing someone can have.
Very creepy and weird looking.

Drink Craft Beer

Well-Known Member
Have a friend who bartends from noon to 10:00pm on Friday's at his relatives restaurant.

Said that an Amazon driver came in (had their co. shirt on), sat at the bar and ordered some food and a draft beer on his lunch break. Driver told him it took 3hrs to find 1 certain address. Friend asked if he had more deliveries which he replied yes.

Guess it's ok to drink beer while delivering for Amazon......


Well-Known Member
Have a friend who bartends from noon to 10:00pm on Friday's at his relatives restaurant.

Said that an Amazon driver came in (had their co. shirt on), sat at the bar and ordered some food and a draft beer on his lunch break. Driver told him it took 3hrs to find 1 certain address. Friend asked if he had more deliveries which he replied yes.

Guess it's ok to drink beer while delivering for Amazon......

Well you are your own boss as a contractor.

Maple Grove MN Driver

Cocaine Mang!
Have a friend who bartends from noon to 10:00pm on Friday's at his relatives restaurant.

Said that an Amazon driver came in (had their co. shirt on), sat at the bar and ordered some food and a draft beer on his lunch break. Driver told him it took 3hrs to find 1 certain address. Friend asked if he had more deliveries which he replied yes.

Guess it's ok to drink beer while delivering for Amazon......

1 beer isn't going to do anything.

Amazon is going to take over the World


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Nine seconds if you want to scratch! Move every 90 pound irreg, that box you are looking for is surely right there!
Dude their numbers so based in fantasy land it’s crazy. On a real scratch kick here lately. See we just picked out that package and got out of the car in 10 seconds you’re allotted 12. Your walk pace with no packages on a perfect surface is 8.5. You’re allotted 10. Your start car routine takes you 7 seconds you’re allotted 8.

Man we are practically giving you 5 seconds at every stop. Why can’t you guys do this!!!!


Well-Known Member
Have a friend who bartends from noon to 10:00pm on Friday's at his relatives restaurant.

Said that an Amazon driver came in (had their co. shirt on), sat at the bar and ordered some food and a draft beer on his lunch break. Driver told him it took 3hrs to find 1 certain address. Friend asked if he had more deliveries which he replied yes.

Guess it's ok to drink beer while delivering for Amazon......

Well you are your own boss as a contractor.

Except for two glaring things wrong with that picture, at least take the uniform Shirt off and change, and geez don’t be in the company vehicle in a bar.

Methods Man

Well-Known Member
Dude their numbers so based in fantasy land it’s crazy. On a real scratch kick here lately. See we just picked out that package and got out of the car in 10 seconds you’re allotted 12. Your walk pace with no packages on a perfect surface is 8.5. You’re allotted 10. Your start car routine takes you 7 seconds you’re allotted 8.

Man we are practically giving you 5 seconds at every stop. Why can’t you guys do this!!!!

Once you qualify, who cares.


Well-Known Member
I posted that Amazon has tractors now matching their Sprinters. There will be “ex con” methed up Semi drivers working for pennies at Amazon. Amazons airline is subbed out and pays lowest wage in the industry. The carriers are reducing min flight time to get pilots. You can fly a shiny 767 almost right out of flight school..

UPS will see volume increases until Bezo’s plan is fully in place. Then the volume will drop significantly. Things seem to be pointing to Amazon partnering with DHL. Amazon needs an Intl network. DHL needs a North American network. Both will have increased volume from each other at reduced costs. Both will be able to serve markets where each other under serve.
dhl only do international work, they not looking in the business of doing local work, more money is made doing international business.


Well-Known Member
Dude their numbers so based in fantasy land it’s crazy. On a real scratch kick here lately. See we just picked out that package and got out of the car in 10 seconds you’re allotted 12. Your walk pace with no packages on a perfect surface is 8.5. You’re allotted 10. Your start car routine takes you 7 seconds you’re allotted 8.

Man we are practically giving you 5 seconds at every stop. Why can’t you guys do this!!!!

Previous center manager tried disciplining me, saying I was 90 seconds slow on average PER STOP. Told him if I was slow at any point it’s because of load quality and he might want to recheck his math.

So fun when they audit a load with 20-30 less stops then normal and have every PAL restuck facing aisle and even sometimes house number low to high. Then you get done 45 minutes faster then ‘scratch’ then they want to try to act like they don’t know why you’re 60-90 minutes ‘over’ when typically only have 10-20 PAL showing.

A drivers day comes down to load quality. Supervisors care more about scan percentage/being on right truck, could care less about being in order (or at least close to it). .


double tap o da horn dooshbag
About 25 years ago myself and my helper had the cops walk up with guns drawn to the window of our U-Haul while sitting in a driveway at about 9:30 during a peak. We had backed up to the carport(no one home)to drop some bulk. I was looking at a map for our next area. Seems a neighbor called in some suspicious activity. I dam near peed myself.

This happens every peak season to anyone in a rental vehicle. How hard is it to put up a PSA on their websites and to local news stations to inform the general public???


Pineapple King
This happens every peak season to anyone in a rental vehicle. How hard is it to put up a PSA on their websites and to local news stations to inform the general public???
In my case the fact that it was 9:30 probably didn't help.


Well-Known Member
What part of independent contractor don't you understand?
People are going to order stuff from Amazon even if their drivers start running over kids in their neighborhood.

Doesn’t matter, as soon as that driver is caught doing something he/she shouldn’t, and cameras are everywhere, they will have a PR problem for awhile ( albeit very short while).
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