Part Timers Don’t deserve $25


Huge Member
Clearly you do care, a great deal. You fail to think outside the box, a very primitive thought process who continuously fails to engage in proper discussion without getting a stick up your ass alongside your incoherent rambling.

I bet last contract you were also like "we're on the top of the food chain, derp derp derp." That's not how progress is made and that attitude is NOT why we are where we are today.

Enjoy the contract and it’s benefits that you obviously don’t deserve

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
I’ll be going for mine, but how many part timers truly stay to collect their full pension? At our center, I’ve seen one guy hit his full 30, and he was there over a decade before I started. Most others are out in 5 max. UPS is definitely winning on that deal.

This is true. It’s an easy gig for part time if you got other stuff going on. Can’t complain about not making money then only wanting to work 3-5 hours.

We’re never getting 30 people just need to accept that. It’s an unskilled job.


Well-Known Member
Kelloggs went on strike for 11 weeks to increase pay and remove their two tiered wage system. Guess what? Pay went up $1.10 and the two tiered wage system stayed in place.

UPS has agreed to remove the two tiered wage system. And increase pay $7.50-$9.00. Both are massive wins for part timers.


Well-Known Member
The TA secures $7.50-$9.00 raises for part timers. An immediate raise of $4.25 for long time part timers. We got $4.15 total over the past 5 years and people are complaining about $4.25 on day 1? The raises in this contract are substantial. SOB said he was going to address the pt pay issue and he did.

UPS is never going to agree to immediately bump everyone up to $30 or anything. The raises secured in the TA are historic.
Its a GREAT raise. You aren't going to get that anywhere else. PT supes are getting like .30c raises.

His one mistake is touting $25 bump (which it was never clear if it meant day 1 or through progression). People see that number and get stuck on it.

But in the same breath, aim high and bargain. Its part of the process


Well-Known Member
The TA secures $7.50-$9.00 raises for part timers. An immediate raise of $4.25 for long time part timers. We got $4.15 total over the past 5 years and people are complaining about $4.25 on day 1? The raises in this contract are substantial. SOB said he was going to address the pt pay issue and he did.

UPS is never going to agree to immediately bump everyone up to $30 or anything. The raises secured in the TA are historic.
They voted for Biden and wonder why they’re losing money to inflation. Then they demand $25 (used to be $15, soon to be $50 I imagine) an hour TO START. 🤡 🌎

Hope that “free” Covid money and virtue-signaled 100+ billion Dollars to Ukraine was worth it! If you want your pay to hold its value, become a libertarian and help us dismantle the Federal Reserve system and government deficit spending—otherwise sit down and enjoy your government created hyper inflation.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Pension most important thing. If they got rid of that for part time wouldn’t even be a reason to stay.

Hate to tell you this but…they aren’t staying.

Those paltry pension benefits are the last thing on their minds.

Look at the retention rates…! :didimiss:

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
Hate to tell you this but…they aren’t staying.

Those paltry pension benefits are the last thing on their minds.

Look at the retention rates…! :didimiss:

they’re focused on the now instead of the end goal. Every part timer I work with is fixated on making more money. They’d take a large pay with no benefits if it was up to them lol. Vacations, holidays, personal days, insurance, and a pension all for part time. Where else do they do that at ?
they’re focused on the now instead of the end goal. Every part timer I work with is fixated on making more money. They’d take a large pay with no benefits if it was up to them lol. Vacations, holidays, personal days, insurance, and a pension all for part time. Where else do they do that at ?
What other Union job has minimum wage PT members working next to higher paid FT members?


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
I think drivers should load and deliver packages, like old days and bring back the pen and paper

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
I’m not downplaying part timers either some hard working ones here. then you have the guys who want 30 dollars but only work an hour go home


Huge Member
Pssssssst SpicyItalian739

The Teamsters hold that money, not UPS.
UPS has nothing to do with your pension outside of paying for it.
I tried looking at the early life section and didn’t get many results so I tried looking up her name. She was part of the federal reserve in Atlanta.
her maiden name is Buchenroth

summer of hulk.jpg


they’re focused on the now instead of the end goal. Every part timer I work with is fixated on making more money. They’d take a large pay with no benefits if it was up to them lol. Vacations, holidays, personal days, insurance, and a pension all for part time. Where else do they do that at ?
Money isn't everything, not having it is.

Many PT don't have enough money to pay for basic necessities, so of course they are only fixated on more money. FT have more money than they know what to do with, so they'd rather have better benefits and time off. This isn't rocket science.