Ups Intent to Terminate


Well-Known Member
I have coworkers in the same boat

But around here, it's 3-4 verbal warnings. Then a documented talk with. Then it may go to suspension. Then the one day gets knocked back down to a documented talk. Then If you still can't behave, they'll try to get a 3 day, and you'll grieve it down to a 1 day.

We had one person who was servicing a 1 and 3 day at the same time. Then finally it's the 5 day and you then may work towards a working termination. If you play the game right, you can push things out a good 6-12 months.

I've never been noisy enough to ask. What exactly are these warning letters saying? Does one acknowledge guilt? And then at the same time say that progressive disclipine was not enacted? I know some guys who have 20 lates, and have the same number of write-ups as a person who called in sick ONCE.

In your case, have you kept track of your disclipine? Have you grieved anything before?

Lates, they mostly do nothing with here. But your no calls or call ins (too close to start times) are the big no names.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but lf you can't wake up on time you deserve to be fired. That's the easiest and most essential part of any job.


Well-Known Member
I'm still waiting to serve that 3 day suspension from my preload days.

Yeah, I had a problem.

I would hear my alarms in my dreams.

Fortunately I have never had a problem as a full time.


The resident gearhead
First off, I find it hilarious that they had to hand you a "written out letter", which you took as their version of a wake up call, to try to convey the importance of waking up on time so that you can then show up to work on time.

Secondly, why would either the union or company waste their time sending this to panel? You are a PTer who can't bother to show up to work on time-----you should have been gone a long time ago.

Finally, making excuses tells me that you clearly have not owned up to your mistakes. "But, Joey got the same letter and he didn't show up on time for a whole week and the assistant supervisor's daughter's friends' cousin said that it was OK so I thought it would be OK for me."
You do understand how being in a union works when it comes to discipline right?

You have zero knowledge of the attendance issues happening at his building.

clearly this is managements fault and they are now trying to fix it by over correcting the issue.


30 years in and I always managed to show up to work on time each and every day.
If you didn’t read this from the start I didn’t ask for negative comments like this. Not everyone is set up in ideal situations. I’m working two jobs and going to school. I also have had two kids during the time of me having this job that I love very much. Please keep all the negativity out of my comment section, I’m here for information to help me in my situation. Your sound just like a sup


The resident gearhead
I got a warning letter a three day suspension (which I didn’t serve) and then now intent to terminate.
Did they send you a certified letter and give you an official date of your 3 day suspension. Or did they just tell you your getting a 3 day suspension.

for future reference you also need to file immediately protesting any suspension or termination.


If you didn’t read this from the start I didn’t ask for negative comments like this. Not everyone is set up in ideal situations. I’m working two jobs and going to school. I also have had two kids during the time of me having this job that I love very much. Please keep all the negativity out of my comment section, I’m here for information to help me in my situation. Your sound just like a sup
I enjoy this job and appreciate it a lot. I’ve had a rough few weeks.


Did they send you a certified letter and give you an official date of your 3 day suspension. Or did they just tell you your getting a 3 day suspension.

for future reference you also need to file immediately protesting any suspension or termination.
They just told me I was signing for a three day suspension and never gave it to me.


The truth never changes.
"Select package, read PAL, load package, repeat 1,000-1,200 times."
They havent had PAL labels for "30+ years".

And it isn't the work that makes it hard to get there on time it's the time that the shift starts.

Local sort doesnt have near the attendance issues with "lates" here because it's harder to get out of bed in the AM than it is to stay up and get to work in the afternoon on time.

Lates are not nearly as stifling to the business as call offs and NCNS. At least he got there.


The resident gearhead
If you didn’t read this from the start I didn’t ask for negative comments like this. Not everyone is set up in ideal situations. I’m working two jobs and going to school. I also have had two kids during the time of me having this job that I love very much. Please keep all the negativity out of my comment section, I’m here for information to help me in my situation. Your sound just like a sup
Ignore that clown. He’s a management loving know nothing.

private message me. I’m a steward who actually deals with this stuff on a daily basis. I’d be happy help you get a better understanding of what’s going to happen without all the riff raff.


The truth never changes.
If you didn’t read this from the start I didn’t ask for negative comments like this. Not everyone is set up in ideal situations. I’m working two jobs and going to school. I also have had two kids during the time of me having this job that I love very much. Please keep all the negativity out of my comment section, I’m here for information to help me in my situation. Your sound just like a sup
Dont worry about that poster. He was hired as a full time driver off the street. He never lived your world.


Well-Known Member
Did they send you a certified letter and give you an official date of your 3 day suspension. Or did they just tell you your getting a 3 day suspension.

for future reference you also need to file immediately protesting any suspension or termination.

I'm not positive but I believe the Western may be the only area that does certified letter.