john chesney

Well-Known Member
It's probably time to get out if you are posting that on an anonymous internet forum.

There's nothing cool about working at UPS or being a "UPS'er". It basically means failing at life. :D Sorry to say

I firmly believe UPS wants to be the worlds most hated company to both employees and customers. The former might work for a while, but not the latter.
There was a time when this place was a honor to work at. We were the navy seals of pkg delivery. True professionals highly respected. Now it’s an embarrassment


Well-Known Member
I agree!! But some drivers don't have your brass balls partner....we need to all start sticking together better and it start at the top with Hof
I agree. People say they don't care but still run. When you really don't care you will know it. When sheeting packages missed or having late air makes you tingle inside you know you're there.


60 months and counting
There was a time when this place was a honor to work at. We were the navy seals of pkg delivery. True professionals highly respected. Now it’s an embarrassment
And the customers know that now also....I had heard it many times from customers before I left for's a damn shame, and I think the few old school mgt folks that are still left would
Totally agree...yes, we are in a fast pace market that's changing but sometimes getting back to the basics is the best policy...most of it is the attitude of ups mgt now... it as a whole is absolutely pathetic...


Retired 22 years
Drivers didn't help the situation....I have known many who come up with ingenious ways to beat the already flawed system...most of their ideas were borderline stupidity and some were fired over them

To be honest I never saw any driver fired (forever) because they were playing the "game". I did however see a Center Manager and a Sup fired at different times for juggling the books by messing with time cards.


Pushing back I can see but quitting UPS after 20 years is foolish.

If you’re planning to quit a job , then try to make the job what you want it to be, the worse they can do is fire you. If they make the firing stick, then you, the Original Poster are exactly where you would have been had you quit.

G.V. Rush

All Encompassing Member
If you have some sort of formal education, or better yet, can afford to take two years off and learn a trade like welding. I’d say get the heck out. Otherwise in all honesty you’ll probably wind up even more disheveled and depressed upon finding out not many jobs give you 7 weeks vacation, full benefits, paid holiday and sick days.

Obviously UPS is not the end all be all, but take a look at the general job market in your area and compare pros and cons. Truck driving skills you’ve learned from UPS will not take you very far in any other field.

If nothing else, than just do what I do. Punch in, avoid drama, punch out. You’ve got a good amount of seniority. Fly under the radar and they’ll leave you alone. I wish you well in whatever you decide.


Gravy route
Make an assessment with your wife...What are the real options.
Remember this is about your kids. 35+ years for me, 6 to go.
You are at the point where YOU determine what this job is...or you will not do it anymore.

If you come to the conclusion that you will stay and have to return to package, then your attitude should be the following...

-I don't care what management thinks because most are clueless or abusive temporary employees just covering their own ass.
-I don't care what other drivers think, this is about me and my family.
-I will fight management every time they push overtime on me.
-I will determine what a fair work pace is at my age.
-I will totally disregard the BS time studies.
-I will fight and file each time they try to discipline me.
-I will call in any time I need a mental heath day.
-I will laugh off the harassment, and file.

Remember you are the professional.
Remember this is for your kids.

If you believe in God, lean on him.