Whackadoos Troll About Opioids


Nine Lives
3 companies in particular flooded many small town rural areas with millions of pills selling to already addicted and soon to be addicted people. They got a Republican congressman to get the DEA to back off. It's not made up, it happened, and if people are dying right now primarily from heroin OD's it's because the DEA finally stepped in and shut these companies down and stopped the supply. THEY caused this epidemic, not drug cartels or back yard poppy farmers.
Agree with all that.


Nine Lives

This is a fentanyl od amount compared to a heroin amount.
I think everyone in here is aware of this except for one person!
Some people are just not mentally competent to understand this.
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Nine Lives
Opioid deaths aren't from the black market.
As I said before, you are a troll that no one should listen to.
I ran across this post about you by someone else and I think it sums it up pretty well:

"There is very little upside to engaging with whackadoos on the internet. This is a man who talked openly about his plans to travel to the Philippines and basically purchase a child bride, insisting that there was nothing wrong with it. Who cares what he thinks about anything?"


Well-Known Member
Agree with all that.
Just looked at a Wikipedia article that cited a CDC study in 2016 that said nearly half of all deaths from opioid usage in 2016 were from prescription opiates. And said 80% of all heroin overdose deaths happened to people who got hooked on prescription opioids first. So pretty much we were both right. And I think the management of those pharmaceutical companies should go to prison.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Very tough indeed. I suppose protocols for prescribing these pain killers should be changed and educating patients on the dangers of addiction as well could help. Also allowing medical marijuana to be prscribed in many cases instead of opiates.
I guess my uncle cashed in all of the medical weed stocks the day before sessions made his announcement. He was pretty stoked.

I told him he should of just bought back on the dip because it's here to stay


Well-Known Member
Just looked at a Wikipedia article that cited a CDC study in 2016 that said nearly half of all deaths from opioid usage in 2016 were from prescription opiates. And said 80% of all heroin overdose deaths happened to people who got hooked on prescription opioids first. So pretty much we were both right. And I think the management of those pharmaceutical companies should go to prison.
I'm guessing that article didn't distinguish between actual prescribed and black market that could have been laced with fentanyl.


Nine Lives
I agree, my last surgery was to repair a torn rotator cuff, I took exactly 1 hydrocodone pill, and said I don't like this :censored2:, and can't handle it. Strictly OTC after that.
I am very anti-opioids myself even though I take a half-dozen a month.
Taking opioids on a daily basis is just asking for problems.


Well-Known Member
As I said before, you are a troll that no one should listen to.
I ran across this post about you by someone else and I think it sums it up pretty well:

"There is very little upside to engaging with whackadoos on the internet. This is a man who talked openly about his plans to travel to the Philippines and basically purchase a child bride, insisting that there was nothing wrong with it. Who cares what he thinks about anything?"
Did you know that the largest Social Security office in the world outside the U.S. is attached to the U.S. embassy in Manila? If one parent is an American then the child is an American too and entitled to benefits if American parent is past SS retirement age. American men and many others have married young women in the Philippines for generations. It's not something forced, in their culture a young woman's first priority is can he take care of me, and a close second is can he help my family. Young ADULT women routinely marry older Filipino men for the same reason. It's not considered immoral or taboo there for a man in his 60's or 70's to marry a 19 year old. And rather than going into it kicking and screaming the young women feel like they've won the lottery landing a Westerner. The country has a 70% poverty rate, with 110,000,000 packed into an area slightly larger than Arizona. And their culture places not only a huge value on women taking care of their husbands but on being a virgin at time of marriage too. Many a young single mother that Filipino men wouldn't consider for marriage has been rescued by foreign men of age. What's immoral is the judgement placed on such marriages by Westerners who think the height of fulfillment is young hot bodies having sex. And have a 50% divorce rate, 75% amongst first marriages(when they were young and attractive but found they weren't compatible).

As for you bringing it up, as well as the original poster, it's to attack me because you don't like something else I posted. Smear the messenger. Frankly I thought you were above such things but everyone has their sacred cow that must not be touched.


Nine Lives
OK, y'all argue with the CDC about opioid deaths. And continue to deny there are any problems with pot because it's what YOU like. A most learned position.
I'm through with you ... I don't know if you are serious but you appeared to be the most ignorant person I have ever run across.


Staff member
Geezus Christopher!!!
Where do you get this crap from?
The overdoses that are not suicides are from criminally produced opioids (heroin mostly) laced and enhanced with fentanyl.
I thought you were amusing before but this is just stupid crap you made up.

You need to do a little more research, Chappy.

Maybe the overdoses aren't directly caused by legal opioids, but the initial addiction and subsequent overdoses (and deaths) are.

What kind of perfect world do you live in?


Staff member
I have already posted everything that is relevant in the 60 minutes piece.
If you would bother yourself to understand what others are posting rather than trolling ignorant crap, you would not be the laughing stock in this thread.
I apologize to all the other posters in this thread for not banning you from this thread.
Free speech is painful for others but your right.

Problem is, I actually know the person interviewed in that particular 60 Minutes piece.

I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him one-handed.