Whackadoos Troll About Opioids


Well-Known Member
You need to keep up. They recently did a segment on 60 Minutes showing how pharmaceutical companies are literally flooding small towns with opioid pain killers. A Republican who was nominated for a major post in the government, can't remember which, was involved and withdrew his name for consideration after the report came out. Rural areas have been slammed with this stuff and while some may not have a problem with them many do. Heroin is a problem but not the problem it is in Europe, which is much closer to the poppy fields of Afghanistan. I thought the same thing you did until I saw the 60 Minutes report and the stats they cited.
The prescribed opiates is what gets most people addicted. The black market opiates and heroin is what most people od on after they're hooked on the prescribed opiates.


Well-Known Member
I have already posted everything that is relevant in the 60 minutes piece.
If you would bother yourself to understand what others are posting rather than trolling stupid crap, you would not be the laughing stock in this thread.
I apologize to all the other posters in this thread for not banning you from this thread.
Free speech is painful for others but your right.
You are just flat out wrong, sorry if it hurts. At least others can go look at the transcript of that report and see for themselves. If you continue to badger me like this I will report it to Cheryl. Amazing that others on here say very vicious things that are never challenged by moderators but challenge your closely held assumptions and you want to ban me. Probably has something to do with pointing out pot has been shown to damage young brains. Pot advocates tell us all the time that there are no real downsides to pot usage and are extremely defensive about it.


Nine Lives
You are just flat out wrong, sorry if it hurts. At least others can go look at the transcript of that report and see for themselves. If you continue to badger me like this I will report it to Cheryl. Amazing that others on here say very vicious things that are never challenged by moderators but challenge your closely held assumptions and you want to ban me. Probably has something to do with pointing out pot has been shown to damage young brains. Pot advocates tell us all the time that there are no real downsides to pot usage and are extremely defensive about it.
Cheryl will read the thread and see that you are mentally incompetent.
Go right ahead!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
The prescribed opiates is what gets most people addicted. The black market opiates and heroin is what most people od on after they're hooked on the prescribed opiates.
Read the transcript. After getting addicted many who died were getting easily obtained pills from the pharmaceutical companies. It was the prolonged use and mismanagement that was killing many of them.


Well-Known Member
Read the transcript. After getting addicted many who died were getting easily obtained pills from the pharmaceutical companies. It was the prolonged use and mismanagement that was killing many of them.
Van, I don't care what the transcript says. The prescribed pills are harder to get and more expensive once the script has run out. This is why those who get addicted to pain pills change over to heroin and black Market pills.


Nine Lives
Just did.
I think I beat you.
I asked Cheryl if I should ban you from this thread since you were trolling and just telling lies that may lead to someone's death.
There is a point when fun trolling steps over the line to harmful trolling.
Your BS should not be allowed even if in Current Events!
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Nine Lives
Van, I don't care what the transcript says. The prescribed pills are harder to get and more expensive once the script has run out. This is why those who get addicted to pain pills change over to heroin and black Market pills.
Don't bother ... he is just trolling!


Well-Known Member
Don't bother ... he is just trolling!
No I'm not and you're wrong. And rather than risk being proven wrong you're avoiding reading the 60 Minutes transcript. If you saw that report you apparently didn't pay close attention. 3 companies in particular flooded many small town rural areas with millions of pills selling to already addicted and soon to be addicted people. They got a Republican congressman to get the DEA to back off. It's not made up, it happened, and if people are dying right now primarily from heroin OD's it's because the DEA finally stepped in and shut these companies down and stopped the supply. THEY caused this epidemic, not drug cartels or back yard poppy farmers.


Well-Known Member
No I'm not and you're wrong. And rather than risk being proven wrong you're avoiding reading the 60 Minutes transcript. If you saw that report you apparently didn't pay close attention. 3 companies in particular flooded many small town rural areas with millions of pills selling to already addicted and soon to be addicted people. They got a Republican congressman to get the DEA to back off. It's not made up, it happened, and if people are dying right now primarily from heroin OD's it's because the DEA finally stepped in and shut these companies down and stopped the supply. THEY caused this epidemic, not drug cartels or back yard poppy farmers.
This is a perfect example of the opioid crisis in Rural America.


Well-Known Member
A good article but it fails to address why the pain killers were available to begin with or that in much of America "pain management" clinics have been set up to continue to supply the pills easily and cheaply. Americans in rural areas have always had to deal with the pain of hard work. Why all of a sudden are tens of thousands dying, but not before? I don't know how to establish a link with my tablet, but Google opioid epidemic 60 Minutes and see what they uncovered. It was a brazen attempt to sell millions of pills and bring in profits. It wasn't an innocent mistake by well meaning companies, it was literally their business plan to get people addicted and continue to supply the drugs. Mea culpa if that lead to people dying from heroin primarily, but looks like the pain killers themselves caused many overdoses.


Well-Known Member
A good article but it fails to address why the pain killers were available to begin with or that in much of America "pain management" clinics have been set up to continue to supply the pills easily and cheaply. Americans in rural areas have always had to deal with the pain of hard work. Why all of a sudden are tens of thousands dying, but not before? I don't know how to establish a link with my tablet, but Google opioid epidemic 60 Minutes and see what they uncovered. It was a brazen attempt to sell millions of pills and bring in profits. It wasn't an innocent mistake by well meaning companies, it was literally their business plan to get people addicted and continue to supply the drugs. Mea culpa if that lead to people dying from heroin primarily, but looks like the pain killers themselves caused many overdoses.
Fentanyl and heroin are why so many are dying. Fentanyl is so powerful that anyone that comes in contact with it even in small doses can overdose and can be absorbed through the skin.


Well-Known Member
Sad story, a very tough nut to crack.
Very tough indeed. I suppose protocols for prescribing these pain killers should be changed and educating patients on the dangers of addiction as well could help. Also allowing medical marijuana to be prscribed in many cases instead of opiates.
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Well-Known Member
Very tough indeed. I suppose protocols for prescribing these pain killers should be changed and educating patients on the dangers of addiction as well could help. Also allowing medical marijuana described in many cases instead of opiates.
I agree, my last surgery was to repair a torn rotator cuff, I took exactly 1 hydrocodone pill, and said I don't like this :censored2:, and can't handle it. Strictly OTC after that.

El Correcto

god is dead

This is a fentanyl od amount compared to a herion amount.

El Correcto

god is dead
A good article but it fails to address why the pain killers were available to begin with or that in much of America "pain management" clinics have been set up to continue to supply the pills easily and cheaply. Americans in rural areas have always had to deal with the pain of hard work. Why all of a sudden are tens of thousands dying, but not before? I don't know how to establish a link with my tablet, but Google opioid epidemic 60 Minutes and see what they uncovered. It was a brazen attempt to sell millions of pills and bring in profits. It wasn't an innocent mistake by well meaning companies, it was literally their business plan to get people addicted and continue to supply the drugs. Mea culpa if that lead to people dying from heroin primarily, but looks like the pain killers themselves caused many overdoses.
I agree with this and I think bad education and skewed studies about these drugs is responsible for so many people turning to them for pain relief instead of proper physical rehabilitation and alternative pain relief.