Government shut DOWN


Well-Known Member
Can't we all just get along?

How did that end?

On August 23, 2012, King's autopsy results were released, stating he died of accidental drowning, and that alcohol, cocaine, marijuana and PCP found in his system were contributing factors. "The effects of the drugs and alcohol, combined with the subject's heart condition, probably precipitated a cardiac arrhythmia and the subject, thus incapacitated, was unable to save himself and drowned

Individual responsibility and accountability. It is what it is.
We all have demons that haunt us and some will succumb to them.That doesn't change the fact that he he was treated as a subhuman that night by the LAPD. Truly cowards with badges and a disgrace in modern US history.


Well-Known Member
Throw These Subhuman POS Cops In Jail! NOW! - YouTube
Atlantic City
Pretty jacked up in my view.

Just posting this because of the talk about King. I have many family and friends that are cops and I don't believe any of them would do this.

There are far too many of these incidents all across the country and many that end in a fatality. The Rodney King beating was what really brought police brutality out into the open, especially the LAPD who has a very checkered past.


Well-Known Member
I didn't watch the whole video but I do remember viewing the unedited version some time ago.

1. Obama's green job attempts was horrible and a great failure.
2. The reason the debt has increased so much under Obama is
A. 'Bush's wars' are still going on, although they are coming to an end.
B. Bush used an accounting trick to not put the war deficit against his numbers. Obama had this redone, so his budget took a big hit on account of Bush's spending.
C. Obama has done his fair share of contributing to the deficit, I'm not saying 'fixing' Bush's accounting methods account for all the bad debt Obama has incurred, because Obama has been pretty irresponsible himself.[/QUOTE


Well-Known Member
I didn't watch the whole video but I do remember viewing the unedited version some time ago.

1. Obama's green job attempts was horrible and a great failure.
2. The reason the debt has increased so much under Obama is
A. 'Bush's wars' are still going on, although they are coming to an end.
B. Bush used an accounting trick to not put the war deficit against his numbers. Obama had this redone, so his budget took a big hit on account of Bush's spending.
C. Obama has done his fair share of contributing to the deficit, I'm not saying 'fixing' Bush's accounting methods account for all the bad debt Obama has incurred, because Obama has been pretty irresponsible himself.[/QUOTE

Obama hasn't submitted one budget to Congress in his 5 years. He is constitutionally required to do so but isn't. The House of Representatives is funding the government with short term spending resolutions because they aren't given a budget which itemizes spending. Got away with it when Dems controlled the House but now with Repubs in charge we have all this drama every 3 months. Why not just roll over and give him what he wants? Because of the runaway spending he has already demonstrated. And by not submitting an itemized budget no one can ask why he is giving serious money to various entities in advance, like a half billion to Solyndra. And the Repubs cave because you have people like Chris Matthews claiming racism every time his policies are questioned. By the way insurance costs have gone up in 45 states, with premiums doubling or more in some. As the recently posted plug for Obamacare pointed out, the ACA doesn't necessarily mean affordable insurance. And since the insurance companies are now required to insure those with pre-existing conditions, the rest of us will have to foot the bill. By the way, my wife didn't like what was just called by Conde Nast Traveler one of the top places in the world to visit, San Miguel de Allende in Mexico. So we're back in the States. Heaven help me.


Engorged Member
Obama hasn't submitted one budget to Congress in his 5 years. He is constitutionally required to do so but isn't. The House of Representatives is funding the government with short term spending resolutions because they aren't given a budget which itemizes spending. Got away with it when Dems controlled the House but now with Repubs in charge we have all this drama every 3 months. Why not just roll over and give him what he wants? Because of the runaway spending he has already demonstrated. And by not submitting an itemized budget no one can ask why he is giving serious money to various entities in advance, like a half billion to Solyndra. And the Repubs cave because you have people like Chris Matthews claiming racism every time his policies are questioned. By the way insurance costs have gone up in 45 states, with premiums doubling or more in some. As the recently posted plug for Obamacare pointed out, the ACA doesn't necessarily mean affordable insurance. And since the insurance companies are now required to insure those with pre-existing conditions, the rest of us will have to foot the bill. By the way, my wife didn't like what was just called by Conde Nast Traveler one of the top places in the world to visit, San Miguel de Allende in Mexico. So we're back in the States. Heaven help me.

Sure. I listened to Right Wing radio in the truck today, and it's pretty obvious the Right is melting down. McCain basically called Gohmert "retarded", which is pretty accurate in my book. The rest of the wingnuts were calling for the heads of Boehner and McConnell, because they "caved-in" and refused to continue the Tea Party insanity. Oh, and Glenn Beck was furious that a $2B deal to build a dam in McConnell's home state (KY), just happened to get thrown-in to the deal.

It's pretty bad when you start eating your's effing HILARIOUS!


Well-Known Member
Sure. I listened to Right Wing radio in the truck today, and it's pretty obvious the Right is melting down. McCain basically called Gohmert "retarded", which is pretty accurate in my book. The rest of the wingnuts were calling for the heads of Boehner and McConnell, because they "caved-in" and refused to continue the Tea Party insanity. Oh, and Glenn Beck was furious that a $2B deal to build a dam in McConnell's home state (KY), just happened to get thrown-in to the deal.

It's pretty bad when you start eating your's effing HILARIOUS!

Yeah, we have a civil war in the Republican Party and a President who won't follow the Constitution.


Well-Known Member
All of these folks need to get replaced on all sides of the fence. Representing your citizenry is a civic duty, not a career; Congress should be made up of real people with real jobs: Doctors, farmers, teachers, blue collar workers, etc; folks that have real world knowledge and experience living as an average American that doesn't make $174,000 a year.

There should be no career politicians.


Well-Known Member
the minorities knew their place, and we would never have to suffer a Negro in the White House.

There is that race card again.

If anyone dares to disagree with the current administration's actions or policies that card comes right to the top of the deck every single time.

One more reality, it is what it is, note the government was back "working" today. The only problem was evidently Mt. Rogers NWRA did not get the word and the picture was taken today about 13:10 AFTER the shutdown was ended and all was well with the world. lmao :wink2:

The horse camp was still taped off as well as the picnic areas. Two words: TYPICAL GOVERNMENT.

I don't "hate" the government I just know how FedEx works and government "works". Actions speak louder than words. They all went back to work today but my picnic table was still taped off just like it has been for 14+ days. I still had a nice 13-14, it didn't bother me in the least nor the grouse I saw while sitting there.



Tick tock time is money. In a way I wish the compromise would have been put off a day or two. I would rather get the party started now at 148k (my share of the national debt) than later.

We are all in this together. I challenge each of you to go to the debt clock site and play with the time machine.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Nope I don't put too much stock in Social Security I will never get or government spending that is out of control. I work for a living just like the rest of us. Not to be a hypocrite I would have enjoyed and EXTRA two weeks paid vacation.


Well-Known Member
The Tea Party is over, and the GOP is in total disarray. Good luck with the conservative agenda.

No the TEA party is far from over. We just have to cull out the RINO's like McLame and Christie.

Doesn't really matter. The ship has sailed, iceberg dead ahead. I just hope EVERYONE has a outstanding plan B. Does it matter if W or O is "captain" of the ship when we are all on it, just working away like we always do.

I will see you in the morning for stretch and flex....that is REALITY.

Shutdown or not.....WE work for a living.

It is what it is.


Engorged Member
No the TEA party is far from over. We just have to cull out the RINO's like McLame and Christie.

Doesn't really matter. The ship has sailed, iceberg dead ahead. I just hope EVERYONE has a outstanding plan B. Does it matter if W or O is "captain" of the ship when we are all on it, just working away like we always do.

I will see you in the morning for stretch and flex....that is REALITY.

Shutdown or not.....WE work for a living.

It is what it is.

I listened to Mark Levin today (very difficult), and he said the same thing about the Tea Party. Basically, he wants to double-down on the stupid, and I'm all for that. The RINO crowd are the only ones still semi in-touch with reality, and yet you excoriate them. I guess the genesis of the McCain/Gohmert drama was that Gohmert accused McCain of aiding the terrorists. Keep it up, boys.


Engorged Member
​He is constitutionally required to submit a budget. Didn't even do it when the Dems controlled both sides.

Gee, do you think he'd face any opposition to a proposed budget? And from whom? You folks really amaze me. Perhaps you should all march on Washington and throw tea in the Potomac. Texas-style Tea Party crap won't float in most of the country, but you throwbacks think you have all the answers. Sorry, but God, Guns, eliminating abortion, and balancing the budget aren't an answer to the issues at hand. But keep right on thinking they are, because it's great for the rest of us to see this garbage FAIL. It is what it is (a failure).


Well-Known Member
Incorrect. He has submitted one every year. The dysfunctional legislature does nothing with it.

Incorrect and in reply to MFE a submitted budget as required by the Constitution tells the House what he plans to spend money on then they hammer out their version and send it to the Senate which works on it's own version which is finally agreed upon by both Houses and sent to the President to sign into law or veto. Currently it's not known just how the money is to be spent and the government is being funded by short term spending resolutions by the House of Representatives. And since the Republicans control the House we're getting all this drama every 3 months with Democrats warning the sky will fall if they don't get the money and the Republicans ultimately caving due to political pressure.


Well-Known Member
I listened to Mark Levin today (very difficult), and he said the same thing about the Tea Party. Basically, he wants to double-down on the stupid, and I'm all for that. The RINO crowd are the only ones still semi in-touch with reality, and yet you excoriate them. I guess the genesis of the McCain/Gohmert drama was that Gohmert accused McCain of aiding the terrorists. Keep it up, boys.

The Tea Party is trying to keep us from spending into oblivion. It's no surprise that you think we can just spend and spend with no repercussions because in the past you've advocated that couriers make $85k-$90k a year with wonderful benefits as if FedEx has that kind of money. It's this kind of mentality that will ultimately cause the Dollar to collapse and create a worldwide depression. Unless of course cooler heads get elected who know what they are doing.


Well-Known Member
The Tea Party is over, and the GOP is in total disarray. Good luck with the conservative agenda.

The administration is seeking 7,000,000+ to sign up for Obamacare on the exchanges. A London newspaper reported Wednsday that only 51,000 had signed up so far and they're having all kinds of trouble with the website. Premiums are up in 45 states, some extraordinarily up. Democrats may talk big, but ultimately the results will determine who votes for whom. And all the covering by the liberal media won't be enough to prevent it. Had a diarist in the Daily Kos the other day go off about the cost of insurance for Obamacare. He was duly chastised for it but it's still there.