hall: This Should Be Our Best Contract Ever.....HANDS DOWN!!!


Active Member
Re: Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?

As I expected Hoffa and his crew sold us out...A slight raise, and the suck ass insurance with CS..Vote NO, spread the word...Unfortunately, like always it will get voted thru.. Thanks for NOTHING HOFFA..I expect the 20 dollar copay to increase as well as the deductibles ... we are screwed.. We would have been better having to pay a little for better insurance... Hell they need to offer us supplemental insurance for ALL the stuff central states WONT cover....

Should we be concerned that the Union plan will most likely be inferior to the plan we now enjoy? And will we have the option to pay to keep the Co. plan as it now stands?
Whenever I here "Central States" I have a gag reflex....


Nine Lives
Re: Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?

Should we be concerned that the Union plan will most likely be inferior to the plan we now enjoy? And will we have the option to pay to keep the Co. plan as it now stands?
Whenever I here "Central States" I have a gag reflex....

I can only imagine what happens when you hear it.

In memory of Upstate and his man-crush stalker.

balland chain

Well-Known Member
Re: Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?

We've gotten $1.80 in raises over the past two years, which is well beyond inflation increases. For most drivers, this is a $4500-$5000 annual pay increase (and for many others, even more). Honestly, if an extra $5000 hasn't been sufficient to cover your increased expenses, then it's due to poor spending habits (heck, energy & retail food prices have been nearly flat over this period), not inflation.
Do some research,, groceries have gone way up due partly to the rising cost of fuel, Duke energy had rate increases last year, and announced that they are asking the state for another. It will most likely get approved...Utilities Inc. my water service just went up 18%.. I am a saver, I have rental properties, two,, I had 2000 shares of UPS stock I sold so it could be invested with my financial planner, I have over 400 K in my 401K. To say that it is not inflation, but poor spending habit is absurd. I have not seen an extra 4 to 5 K from the 1.80 wage increase. I have also seen more money go out towards my living expenses due to the increases states above. I am lucky to get 45 hours a week in feeders.. The only drivers making money in feeders are the senior guys with great runs and the mileage drivers.. They can expect to make about 105,000. to 113,000.00. That is about 35K more than I make a year.. I will be retired long before my seniority will allow me to hold one of those runs..


Well-Known Member
Re: Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?

Oh I see... driver production has driven profits. That is correct to some extent but falls way short. Who insures the drivers are productive. The company would not be nearly as profitable if not for the guidance of our managers. Do you think you would be as productive if management took the month off. Be honest. If your answer is yes, just watch what happens on the preload when the supervisor is called to the office for something. Watch the driver who tells one of their customers their life story and "forgets" to enter any break in the DIAD. That's always a good one. I'm tired of hearing how the rank and file should get this or that because UPS is making so much money. UPS is in business to make as much money as possible. If you want to share in the record profits you speak of, BUY SOME STOCK! Lets face it, the rank and file couldn't do without the managers and the managers cant do without the rank and file. Some people need to stop giving the false impression that hourly employees are the only people who make UPS successful. Give me a break!

Holy :censored2:! Buy stock? That's perfect! I'll be sure to tell all the rookies who just made probation to buy up UPS stock, and to stop whining about their paltry wages. "Want more money? Buy UPS stock!", I'll tell them. I mean at $9.50 an hour, and at about 20hrs a week, that'll get them what? 1 share a week? Not bad. And it'll even leave them around $70 for the week to spend on gas, food, bills and you know...other luxuries!

Wish I had thought of that...<jerkoff motion>

No one is saying we want a 72% raise ala Scott Davis, you people. Hell, no one believes we're deserving of it. But signing off on a contract that mirrors the last, even with the knowledge that the company profited in the BILLIONS because of OUR work, is friend'ing stupid.

If you vote "yes" on this deal, you're accepting the bare minimum, while squandering all our bargaining power. And for 5 years. 5 YEARS! And what happens if the next 5 years aren't as kind? If UPS is offering a lateral proposal when they're profiting in the BILLIONS for nearly a decade, what will they give us when the company is LOSING MONEY?

Use your damn heads.


Family Leave Fridays!!!
Re: Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?

Do some research,, groceries have gone way up due partly to the rising cost of fuel, Duke energy had rate increases last year, and announced that they are asking the state for another. It will most likely get approved...Utilities Inc. my water service just went up 18%.. I am a saver, I have rental properties, two,, I had 2000 shares of UPS stock I sold so it could be invested with my financial planner, I have over 400 K in my 401K. To say that it is not inflation, but poor spending habit is absurd. I have not seen an extra 4 to 5 K from the 1.80 wage increase. I have also seen more money go out towards my living expenses due to the increases states above. I am lucky to get 45 hours a week in feeders.. The only drivers making money in feeders are the senior guys with great runs and the mileage drivers.. They can expect to make about 105,000. to 113,000.00. That is about 35K more than I make a year.. I will be retired long before my seniority will allow me to hold one of those runs..

No offense, but take your own advice and do some research :).
- Over the past two years, grocery prices have not gone "way up." The CPI has them rising 1.5%-2% in 2011, and virtually unchanged in 2012. Walmart Shopping Basket indexes (compares a shopping list at Walmart, which does not utilize sale pricing, from year-to-year) has them rising about 1% during this time frame. Actual cumulative spending on groceries is virtually changed on heavier volume.
- Since February 2011, gasoline prices have fallen within the same confidence interval, rising less than 1% on average overall.
- Natural gas prices have hit a ten year low, by far offsetting increases in for electricity.

FT workers in the USA over 25 earn a median $40K annually and contribute $4300 toward family health coverage.

To suggest that inflation would've increased your cost of living by more than $5K over the past two years is absurd. I think the problem is that some BC members believe that trading their Hyundai in for a Mercedes constitutes an inflationary expense. My brother commutes weekly by air from his home in Florida to his job in Ohio; he spent $11,000 more on air travel in 2012 than he did in 2009 -- this is an example of personal inflation. Wage hikes are meant to cover / subsidize CPI (standard inflation) increases, not personal inflation. So if you're a driver performing a 200-mile RT commute to work daily -- we have several at my building -- yes, you're more volatile to fuel increases but that's your problem.


Man of Great Wisdom
Re: Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?

Do some research,, groceries have gone way up due partly to the rising cost of fuel, Duke energy had rate increases last year, and announced that they are asking the state for another. It will most likely get approved...Utilities Inc. my water service just went up 18%.. I am a saver, I have rental properties, two,, I had 2000 shares of UPS stock I sold so it could be invested with my financial planner, I have over 400 K in my 401K. To say that it is not inflation, but poor spending habit is absurd. I have not seen an extra 4 to 5 K from the 1.80 wage increase. I have also seen more money go out towards my living expenses due to the increases states above. I am lucky to get 45 hours a week in feeders.. The only drivers making money in feeders are the senior guys with great runs and the mileage drivers.. They can expect to make about 105,000. to 113,000.00. That is about 35K more than I make a year.. I will be retired long before my seniority will allow me to hold one of those runs..

Nearly 200K in stock, 400K in 401k and rental properties? Sorry your water bill went up.


New Member
Re: Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?

The Teamsters did draw a few lines in the sand early on, only to retreat and act like they'd never drawn a line at all. According to the original mindset (and words), they shouldn't have even been meeting for bargaining again until June. Who knows what to believe? I guess we'll see. I don't like that the full timers get to vote on something that will only affect the part timers.


Family Leave Fridays!!!
Re: Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?

The Teamsters did draw a few lines in the sand early on, only to retreat and act like they'd never drawn a line at all. According to the original mindset (and words), they shouldn't have even been meeting for bargaining again until June. Who knows what to believe? I guess we'll see. I don't like that the full timers get to vote on something that will only affect the part timers.

How did the Teamsters retreat?

(1) Hall delivered on his promise that we would not pay for our health care. He never promised that out-of-pocket costs would remained unchanged - although early reports are that it will be comparable.
(2) There's no way the Teamsters could risk delaying negotiations to June given that shippers may have become uneasy and switched their business elsewhere (unlikely to return). In fact, the contract that was negotiated was better than many predicted likely because major shippers were threatening to walk.
(3) The contract affects both PT & FT, and PT members covered by the CBA triumph FTers -- if PTers don't like it, then they can vote it down. Of course, most of the PTers in RTW states don't have a vote because they're freeloading.......


Well-Known Member
Re: Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?

I hope no one here actually votes yes on this contract. We would be setting the bar EXTREMELY low for future negotiations. If we accept a contract like this when UPS is at its most profitable level ever, we are accepting that this is the best we can ever negotiate from UPS. If we cant negotiate good raises and benefits in UPS's season of record profits, then we have no hope of ever negotiating better than this.

To make an analogy.... its like fishing in the middle of the Columbia river during a record breaking salmon run. If you can't land any decent fish during that record salmon run, you dont have ANY chance of catching one on future fishing trips. These are the best conditions you will ever experience! If you can't make a decent catch, you might as well just accept defeat and quit fishing!


golden ticket member
i've seen the details. i'm sorry guys and girls.........i'm disappointed. Inflation and healthcare is gonna kill us.

i'm voting no and telling my local that Hall can do better.

..."The contract preserves health-care benefits ...."
This is from the.story under Forum on the opening page of B.C.
What does "preserves health care benefts" mean ??


Well-Known Member
i've seen the details. i'm sorry guys and girls.........i'm disappointed. Inflation and healthcare is gonna kill us.

i'm voting no and telling my local that Hall can do better.

would you mind sharing what you know, orange? so much rumor and conjecture here i'd like to hear it summarized from someone who knows


Well-Known Member
Re: Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?

So let me get this right, based on what we know right now the starting wage went up $1, but PT in progression won't be seeing that? So someone gets hired and is making the same as someone who just worked for a year? How is that a victory? If I was in progression I'd be pissed. After all that HALL IS GOAT garbage things start to make sense.


Huge Member
Re: Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?

Good job hall and hoffa dividing the part timers and full timers even more! Part time poverty gets even worse ....now part timers have to pay more towards co pays and deductables. Way to screw over the current part time crew as well. All this after record profits!!!! SOLD OUT AGAIN!!!

I get sick and tired of hearing part timers complain on this site !!!!!


You work 3 1/2 hours a day and your family gets the same benefits that I get slaving out on the road for 11 hours !!
The only PT's I care for are the ones waiting for a full time job to open up

You are lucky enough to work minimal hours for great healthcare and pensions
If you want to bitch about co-pays and deductibles, GUESS WHAT, GO GET A FULL TIME JOB !!!!!
Until then, enjoy the perks of union employment.


Well-Known Member
Re: Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?

You should ask management how it went during the 97 strike when they were going out in pairs to do a few airs....I can say that the customers wern't impressed...

We went out in pairs because in areas of the country, the mgmt teams were threatened (Physically) One mgr was run off the road and killed. That's why we went in pairs. Hopefully, no one here thinks it is justififiable to take someones life during a strike. Unfortunately that is not true of 100% of the teamsters.


Well-Known Member
Re: Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?

Hey guess what your an over paid complaining truck driver!


Well-Known Member
Re: Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?

I get sick and tired of hearing part timers complain on this site !!!!!


You work 3 1/2 hours a day and your family gets the same benefits that I get slaving out on the road for 11 hours !!
The only PT's I care for are the ones waiting for a full time job to open up

You are lucky enough to work minimal hours for great healthcare and pensions
If you want to bitch about co-pays and deductibles, GUESS WHAT, GO GET A FULL TIME JOB !!!!!
Until then, enjoy the perks of union employment.

Heffernan....although I do understand your frustration about endless complaints here on BC (TDU this, Obamacare that), your statement appears to be somewhat contradictory. For example, I believe that more than 50% of the part-time work force is waiting for a full time job. Therefore, based on your statement above, you do care for these employees. Why would you begrudge them equal healthcare benefits simply because they are part-time? I have no doubt that with your 9.5+ hour days...that you do envy them at times.

How do you feel about the complaints from the full-time employees such as telematics, 9.5 + hour days, harassment, retiree healthcare, etc.? Part of being in a Union is to look out after your "Brother or Sister". Begrudging them (us) the complete and comprehensive healthcare that we have had in all past contracts....is simply not logical nor very Union like.

The last thing that I believe we should do as we evaluate the tentative agreement is.......

Will you be the driver or the victim?



Well-Known Member
Re: Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?

Should we be concerned that the Union plan will most likely be inferior to the plan we now enjoy? And will we have the option to pay to keep the Co. plan as it now stands?
Whenever I here "Central States" I have a gag reflex....
To me the health care plan is the most important issue. we know there were going to be raises. I want to see what happens when people
who say they have these great union health care plans get thrown into the central states mess.