The new plan,pt do p1


Well-Known Member
From everything I've heard, the extended routes part is true. My station has P1 areas of 10:30, 12:00, and 16:30 and the only zips that are affected in my station are the 10:30 ones. Our extended areas will get all their freight in the morning sort.

Hopefully your station isn't affected by this program.
Same here, but they also said even the 1030 areas may not be affected.


Well-Known Member
would at least appreciate a sandwich for sfa week... nope nothing, not even bottled water. so in return i give you the same.

NC man

Well-Known Member
My mgr said today we will have 24 mid day routes, not sure where the trucks are coming from.If all rentals that’s gonna be expensive. They hired 20 new drivers so far. If this is supposed to save money I don’t see it.


Just telling it like it is
My mgr said today we will have 24 mid day routes, not sure where the trucks are coming from.If all rentals that’s gonna be expensive. They hired 20 new drivers so far. If this is supposed to save money I don’t see it.
If they hired 20 new drivers, then probably 13 will quit before they get 30 days in. And no it’s not saving them money at all.

NC man

Well-Known Member
start April 1, will come back and post how it went, not starting til 745 tomorrow. if this keeps up we will be leaving when the late flight comes with 2nd round of p2


Well-Known Member
Let’s pretend that I’m dense (or maybe there’s no need to pretend). Please spell out step by step how and why more experienced, highly paid people will quit.


Well-Known Member
Isn't it obvious that every move FedEx makes is really about getting rid of long term employees?
How's that working out for them? When I was working saw a lot of 10-15 year employees quit out of frustration as they were nowhere near top pay. The topped out employees were the ones who hung on.


Well-Known Member
I think the problem will be either less hours because the midday routes take stops or having to actually move to a midday route with a late clock-out time.

I don't see how a second sort is going to work at my station at the start. We don't seem to have enough people now much less in a couple weeks when second sort and new routes are supposed to start. There are lots of rental trucks already so that part seems ok.


Well-Known Member
Maybe. But my reporter background compels me to ask: How?
Cutting hours...
As a swing currently I can run a certain 100 stop route(1630 P1 commit area) in 7hrs + break.. (typically I can straight line and finish all stops by 3:30
But only 44-50 of these are P1/SO, which is what the new 1st wave will do, I'll be done in under 4 hrs on road + 45-60min am sort. I'll only get 5hrs on this Full time route... (yes the rte will still be FT) and it's crazy to think that they'll pay a 2nd driver to go drive the whole area again, pay for fuel etc, they are basically doubling the expense of running this particular route(and other routes like it)

This will get even worse for our 1030 area drivers, there will be a scramble for hours.

This plan seems insane... clearly FedEx isn't 100% certain if it will work the way they want otherwise they would have purchased vehicles instead of renting, single vehicle rental rate(even our discounted) is more expensive than a car payment...


Well-Known Member
My mgr said today we will have 24 mid day routes, not sure where the trucks are coming from.If all rentals that’s gonna be expensive. They hired 20 new drivers so far. If this is supposed to save money I don’t see it.
its designed to frustrate, demorlize and bore employees until its workfore is effectively 'casual' in practice. Meaning they want to create a work environment that you work only when needed. One day, you may do 7 hrs and another day you do 3 hrs. But they do not want regular FT employees, they want to create scheduling chaos to serve volume on a "as needed" basis. Reduce FTEs and make everyone "flex". Soon the min hrs provsion will be amended, if this part time poverty ploy doesnt work.

NC man

Well-Known Member
was thinking about the min 35 hrs too. If I only get 6 a day under new plan no way will the min 35 stick around if you dont work enough. I heard lot of new hires are"casual". How long do they think they will stick around and what about call outs,lol. We will be on the road and station shorthanded to del the 2nd wave unless they bring it out to us or have a casual do two "rtes" I wonder who in MEM thought up this idea anyway and Fred signed off on it? Can't wait to see peak under this plan.
About to find out 3-29.