10 step pay raises


Well-Known Member
How in the hell did you go to school AND work 60 hour weeks?

If this is indeed true then you have gained a lot of new found respect in my book.

Work 7 to 7, do what you can during your hour-long lunch break and before you go to bed, and then dedicate your entire weekend to getting caught up (I concede that not all professors wil accommodate such a schedule, and that it takes a serious toll on your personal life).


Well-Known Member
Um, no. I think the solution is to get a degree (or just apply for other jobs?) so you can find employment where you don't feel compelled to spend countless hours complaining on a message board. Oh, well; perhaps the people you vote for (i.e. the government) will get it done for you. As for myself, I take the responsibility to make things happen on my own; and quite frankly my approach seems to work MUCH better. You knew in your early thirties who you were working for and chose not to take any action. Did you think the government was going to save you? People on this board would respect you a lot more if you just took responsibility for your actions, rather than blaming the company for your sorry state.

Pretty well sums it up. Why do people get up and go to work everyday to a job they hate because they feel underpaid, underappreciated and feel like the benefits do not meet their needs. They continue to point out that other companies pay more, have better benefits and treat their employees better. If you know of such an opportunity, why are you NOT working there?


Well-Known Member
Pretty well sums it up. Why do people get up and go to work everyday to a job they hate because they feel underpaid, underappreciated and feel like the benefits do not meet their needs. They continue to point out that other companies pay more, have better benefits and treat their employees better. If you know of such an opportunity, why are you NOT working there?

The most common response is people feel too old to be hired at other companies, which does have some merit; but in my experience, those that actually put the effort in to find new employment are eventually successful. I think it's fear of the unknown more than anything else. Giving up vacation time to start over somewhere else is also a major issue.


Well-Known Member
You all know how I feel about most of this but I would just like to say one thing.

Everyone on this forum that has been with Fedex over 25 years( which is actually a decent amount of us) could have gone into management with no college degree and be making most likely double what we are now. Instead we choose to stay driving because we enjoyed the job, this job has provided a good life for me.

I just try to warn new hires that it will never be the same for them, and quite frankly in 10 years who knows how e commerce and package delivery will change


Well-Known Member
Surprise, suprise, suprise - you're sadly mistaken. I've worked 60 hour weeks while going to school full-time. It's not fun, but if something is important, you find ways to make it work. I find it amusing that you seem to think you are the only person in the world that is a hard worker.

Um, no. I think the solution is to get a degree (or just apply for other jobs?) so you can find employment where you don't feel compelled to spend countless hours complaining on a message board. Oh, well; perhaps the people you vote for (i.e. the government) will get it done for you. As for myself, I take the responsibility to make things happen on my own; and quite frankly my approach seems to work MUCH better. You knew in your early thirties who you were working for and chose not to take any action. Did you think the government was going to save you? People on this board would respect you a lot more if you just took responsibility for your actions, rather than blaming the company for your sorry state.
When did I ever say no one else works hard? And why is it that being a courier is something to disparage? I've only complained that FedEx made a lot of promises, repeatedly, and didn't keep them. Promises fulfilled that would've made things easier. They were asking for hard work and dedication in exchange for good pay and a decent retirement. I lived up to my end, they didn't. As for your 60 hrs a week and going to school full-time. B.S. Unless you had a cushy office job that allowed you to study. Otherwise, nope, you're full of it. As to my sorry state? I have a very nice lady cook me two very good meals a day. Her sister washes, dries, irons my clothes at dry cleaner level. I spend my days walking, surfing internet, watching tv and Netflix. The climate here is wonderful. Yeah, I've got it bad. And I only get on Brown Cafe these days to talk about my travels, or to counter the apologists like you and Old Fart. 10's of thousands of couriers and others got screwed, wasn't just me.


Well-Known Member
Pretty well sums it up. Why do people get up and go to work everyday to a job they hate because they feel underpaid, underappreciated and feel like the benefits do not meet their needs. They continue to point out that other companies pay more, have better benefits and treat their employees better. If you know of such an opportunity, why are you NOT working there?
You refuse to acknowledge that midrange employees didn't get the deal you got. You refuse to acknowledge that many of us hung in for the pension, as well as the hope that eventually they'd do better by us. After all, when they got a big union scare in the late '90s they came through for topped out employees. Little did we know that they worked behind the scenes to make sure a union stayed out and that they had no intention to ever pay us as well as the topped out people. Then they pulled the rug out from under us on the pension. At that time the economy was tanking. Where were we supposed to go? What did you care? You were topped out with a good pension. And it's not about hating the work. I transferred to some interesting places. Try living as a domicile in the Rockies working at 7000' to 10000'. Fun job. But couldn't make it there on $13.11hr, two payscales below my station and mgr freely admitted that costs in my area were about 40% higher than at station city. FedEx doesn't take care of their employees. They take advantage. But as you got a good deal getting in early you're oblivious to everything. And you're agreeing with a guy who told us he's a 16 yr old stepson of a FedEx bigwig. Now tells us he went to college full-time while working 60 hr weeks. And you call me a liar!


Well-Known Member
When did I ever say no one else works hard? And why is it that being a courier is something to disparage? I've only complained that FedEx made a lot of promises, repeatedly, and didn't keep them. Promises fulfilled that would've made things easier. They were asking for hard work and dedication in exchange for good pay and a decent retirement. I lived up to my end, they didn't. As for your 60 hrs a week and going to school full-time. B.S. Unless you had a cushy office job that allowed you to study. Otherwise, nope, you're full of it. As to my sorry state? I have a very nice lady cook me two very good meals a day. Her sister washes, dries, irons my clothes at dry cleaner level. I spend my days walking, surfing internet, watching tv and Netflix. The climate here is wonderful. Yeah, I've got it bad. And I only get on Brown Cafe these days to talk about my travels, or to counter the apologists like you and Old Fart. 10's of thousands of couriers and others got screwed, wasn't just me.

If you never made the terrible decision to leave the company in the first place, you and OF would be taking turns as the leading pro-company troll on the BC; it was your own horrible decision making that led to your situation - TAKE RESPONSIBILITY.


Well-Known Member
Now tells us he went to college full-time while working 60 hr weeks. And you call me a liar!

If you are dedicated, reasonably intelligent, and your life is stable it's not as big of a feat as it might seem. Something tells me none of these factors apply to you, so from your prospective it seems impossible.


Well-Known Member
If you never made the terrible decision to leave the company in the first place, you and OF would be taking turns as the leading pro-company troll on the BC; it was your own horrible decision making that led to your situation - TAKE RESPONSIBILITY.
Except one little detail...I have said a number of times on here that I made a mistake quitting in '97. That was after 4.5 years of no raises, got a 39 cent raise finally, and mgr told me I better enjoy that raise, it was the last I was going to see for a long time. As I was a domicile I wasn't aware of company plans to make significant upgrades to top out in about a year. I quit in frustration. Bought a truck and delivered travel trailers. That's a joke so came back to FedEx 17 months later. Yes after finding out they had eliminated my payscale and top out was now $16.11hr I very much regretted quitting. But they're telling me 7-8 years to top out. So figured I made a mistake, but will eventually be back on track. It was about 5 years later when it was looking like they had no intention to top us out ever. Seriously it could take 30+ years. I decided if I could get my pension it would be worth it. I wanted to travel, the pension makes that possible. But then they up and gave us a choice whether we stayed in the traditional or go into the portable pension. I stayed in the traditional. And about a year later they announced they were going to terminate the traditional plan. And for 5 years give us extra "transition credits" meaning more money into our portable plan to "make up" some of what we lost with the traditional(if we were 40 or older). Guess what? Remember that choice they gave us? The ones who chose to go into the portable plan at that time didn't get the transition credits. A topped out employee making $60k lost $12k over 5 years. That was the reason for our "choice." Another scam. And the theme I get from you is we should just take it, no complaining. If the company lies to us it's our fault for believing them. We deserve to get fleeced. As long as I'm alive every time someone comes on here and says how wonderful the company has been to us I'm going to point this stuff out. I'm defending honest workers who were cheated. You're defending the cheaters.


Well-Known Member
Except one little detail...I have said a number of times on here that I made a mistake quitting in '97. That was after 4.5 years of no raises, got a 39 cent raise finally, and mgr told me I better enjoy that raise, it was the last I was going to see for a long time. As I was a domicile I wasn't aware of company plans to make significant upgrades to top out in about a year. I quit in frustration. Bought a truck and delivered travel trailers. That's a joke so came back to FedEx 17 months later. Yes after finding out they had eliminated my payscale and top out was now $16.11hr I very much regretted quitting. But they're telling me 7-8 years to top out. So figured I made a mistake, but will eventually be back on track. It was about 5 years later when it was looking like they had no intention to top us out ever. Seriously it could take 30+ years. I decided if I could get my pension it would be worth it. I wanted to travel, the pension makes that possible. But then they up and gave us a choice whether we stayed in the traditional or go into the portable pension. I stayed in the traditional. And about a year later they announced they were going to terminate the traditional plan. And for 5 years give us extra "transition credits" meaning more money into our portable plan to "make up" some of what we lost with the traditional(if we were 40 or older). Guess what? Remember that choice they gave us? The ones who chose to go into the portable plan at that time didn't get the transition credits. A topped out employee making $60k lost $12k over 5 years. That was the reason for our "choice." Another scam. And the theme I get from you is we should just take it, no complaining. If the company lies to us it's our fault for believing them. We deserve to get fleeced. As long as I'm alive every time someone comes on here and says how wonderful the company has been to us I'm going to point this stuff out. I'm defending honest workers who were cheated. You're defending the cheaters.
According to nearly every post you make, EVERY manager you worked for lied to you. Maybe they got tired of your whinny azs and decided that was the best way to handle having a total tool in their work group. Did you ever consider YOU were the problem many of the times?


Well-Known Member
According to nearly every post you make, EVERY manager you worked for lied to you. Maybe they got tired of your whinny azs and decided that was the best way to handle having a total tool in their work group. Did you ever consider YOU were the problem many of the times?
And if you had been on here as long as I have you'd know that I've had mgrs I'd go to war for. I've never said all mgrs were bad. Majority I didn't care for, but the good ones I respected. They have a tough job. But it's another angle you're trying to attack me on. I've had mgrs try to talk me out of transferring. When I transferred from AZ to my last station, former mgr called me twice and asked if I'd consider coming back. Some mgrs will treat you like crap no matter that on the productivity chart I was always in the top 3 in the station, usually at number one. And then act shocked that I'd want to leave. Mgr and Sr mgr at one station went so far as to tell me there was a freeze on, only mgrs and swings were allowed to transfer. I filed a GFT, freeze was immediately lifted, and district director had me call him so he could tap dance about what happened to save their butts. You don't have a clue Captain Oblivious about what goes on out there. If a mgr lies about hours and duties to get you to transfer in, apparently you think that's ok, ha ha, he got me that time. This company wasn't built on the premise of providing great service to the public, it is just a vehicle for a group of mostly greedy men to get filthy rich. And they will do whatever it takes to achieve that end.


Well-Known Member
Which one do you cling to? The precocious 16 yr old, or the working through college achiever? Any other realities?

Well, I have been working on this persona where I pretend that I'm a solitary man, living in an efficiency apartment in a third-world country, and I spend all my time in chain restaurants and posting messages about former employers...oh wait, that's your life! - yikes!


Well-Known Member
Well, I have been working on this persona where I pretend that I'm a solitary man, living in an efficiency apartment in a third-world country, and I spend all my time in chain restaurants and posting messages about former employers...oh wait, that's your life! - yikes!

A persona is akin to a fantasy. Telling people you are a 16 yr old is a persona. By the way, internet went out here day after I arrived. Bad modem. I sat in Starbucks(very good wifi), Carl's Jr., and Chili's, as well as several local restaurants, to get online. Problem is corrected. But anyways, the term is developing nation, and Mexico has a lot to offer. You think you're so clever, and yet you let sensationalist journalism do your thinking. And again, if you don't want me being critical of my former employer, then better get Captain Oblivious to stop ranting about how great they are. That's all it takes to keep me in line. Of course when I mention how much I'm enjoying the retirement you have to come on and sneer. We all retire at some point bub. But I guess it rankles you that a lowly courier is getting the life he wanted while you've got your nose to the American Dream grindstone.
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Well-Known Member
Well, I have been working on this persona where I pretend that I'm a solitary man, living in an efficiency apartment in a third-world country, and I spend all my time in chain restaurants and posting messages about former employers...oh wait, that's your life! - yikes!

You left out the "sending money to the little old lady back home" part.


Well-Known Member
And if you had been on here as long as I have you'd know that I've had mgrs I'd go to war for. I've never said all mgrs were bad. Majority I didn't care for, but the good ones I respected. They have a tough job. But it's another angle you're trying to attack me on. I've had mgrs try to talk me out of transferring. When I transferred from AZ to my last station, former mgr called me twice and asked if I'd consider coming back. Some mgrs will treat you like crap no matter that on the productivity chart I was always in the top 3 in the station, usually at number one. And then act shocked that I'd want to leave. Mgr and Sr mgr at one station went so far as to tell me there was a freeze on, only mgrs and swings were allowed to transfer. I filed a GFT, freeze was immediately lifted, and district director had me call him so he could tap dance about what happened to save their butts. You don't have a clue Captain Oblivious about what goes on out there. If a mgr lies about hours and duties to get you to transfer in, apparently you think that's ok, ha ha, he got me that time. This company wasn't built on the premise of providing great service to the public, it is just a vehicle for a group of mostly greedy men to get filthy rich. And they will do whatever it takes to achieve that end.
Either way, you seem to have more horror stories claiming you have been lied to and everything else. I have been with the company twice as long as you and even though I have only been at 1 station, I have had dozens of managers and I have seen or experienced very little of what you claim. Like I said, JUST maybe it is because you are a tool that managers did you wrong. Managers don't get mad, they get even.