HAHA....I did that one as well. Only I didn't permit him to close the passenger door either.The best drivers I've seen, knew every trick in the book. We were brutal on them.
One driver (on the 1st day) wore 3 pairs of long underwear and left the drivers door open all day.
Froze the guy out. Second day.... the supe gave up.
On a 3-day ride....
"Method them to death."
Works every time.
Was just a brutal & vicious freezing day. Idiot had on somewhat regular clothes for a day like that and summertime footwear.
About halfway thru the day he's yelling "GOD DAMMIT XXXXXXX....TURN ON THE PHA-KING HEAT!!" I'm like NOPE!!
His nose was dripping like a faucet by end of day. (Btw.....no longies for me.)
Same supervisor in summertime came out with me. Afternoon rolls around and we are doing residential. Beautiful day.....sunny and 80 degrees......not a cloud to be seen. Going to back door for most stops and using DR bags on nearly every package.
After a handful of stops here it comes....."XXXXXXX, why are using the bags....it's not gonna rain today".
Said.... "did you happen to call every single one of my customers to ask them if they will be home or on vacation"? "No"
Said "me neither, so how am I to know how long this package will be sitting out here"?
Ever have a supervisor on a rainy full day ride and put on continuous replay in the truck "Rain drops keep falling on my head" for 10 1/2 hours? Drove that poor bastard nuts that day.
All in good fun.