DIAD ran out of battery. Sup wants me to use my personal cell phone.


What is it? A brown box. Duh
I turn the radio off with 30 % left and turn back on when I have completed the stops. No way am I letting the board die while delivering


Well-Known Member
Supervisor asked me to take pictures with my cell phone of every label that I deliver while I wait for them to bring me a battery. I really don't want to use my personal phone for this reason. Can I refuse, or is this a work-as-directed situation?

The way I see it,

1. UPS doesn't pay my phone bill.
2. I could get in trouble for unknowingly DRing a No DR address.


Just say "what cell phone" or mine doesn't take pictures..
your other option is just using paper


Well-Known Member
I agree with the pal label pulling but... I know on my route I have a lot of those "leave with office" that won't let you DR with out a sig. Not only that but what if it's a intercept or RRT. You don't know until you scan it. So no I'll sit until you bring me a DIAD board.

We've also had a guy that del to a school after his DIAD died. When a teacher called in saying they never received their package L.P. was on his A* because he signed for it at 9pm when he got to the building. Nothing came of it but still a PITA.