
And yet you're a PT TCD seasonal that's wants so badly to be one of us FT "typical dumb truck drivers ".

You're so much smarter than all of us that you can't even read the contract and supplement correctly and understand it and how it applies.

You're so much smarter than all of us that you don't realize that if you get 5 reports this week as a TCD that any manager that lets you get a sixth for Saturday airs at OT rate risks grievances from the more senior TCDs and also FT drivers who should be offered that OT sixth report before you. Not to mention the grievances you'll cause your center manager to pay out on that if a FT driver elects to pursue it for some easy money.

You're so much smarter than us never mind that you've been proven wrong on every single thing you post with facts by multiple people who have socks with more time in than you.

You're so much smarter than us that you don't realize that work is based on seniority, not how hard you work or who's ass you lick in management as you've proven you will do in your posts in this thread.

You're such a rockstar as @Re-Raise said. How ever did we all make it here in our careers without you???

The truth is long time guys see a million guys like you come and go every year. Same know it all attitude, same ego.

And eventually they all end up in the same place. Either unemployed or promoted to dead end management.
Why do you act like you know everything? Do you know the sat manager can't get people to show up on Saturdays? So they're are no grievances to be filed when no one wants the work.. he is actually about to put on effect that all tcds are mandatory to report because we're short every Saturday. This is why I get 7-8 hours on a Saturday @ $43 an hour.. I'm not working hard to get more work at all like you think, I'll just saying "yes" when offered the work. If no one wants it, I'll take it.. I'm banking as much as I can preparing to go back in the hub in January for a few months.. I know I'll be back out in the summer when the vacas are in full swing.. why do you think I'm working so hard and kissing management's door knob? All I'm doing is saying yes when they ask me to work.. I'm not running myself into the ground.. but I am doing the best job I can do.

Being a union employee doesn't mean you can slack and do a crappy job cause you've got a union to fall back on and protect you. The union is there to ensure you're treated fair and just! Seems like most of you take advantage of the protection they offer and just make things harder on management. You're still suppose to do a good job day in and day out.. maybe if you did that, we wouldn't be looking at a pay cut for the new guys coming up soon.. buy is cool, you guys got the contract you wanted while screwing the new class.. so you're all grandfathered in while we all get to do the same job for less.. great job taking care of your brother's.. that's a fantastic union!! Employees like you are what ruin good jobs and abuse contracts!
Or, could be I've proved I'll work hard no matter what and they know I'll work without complaining... I'm sure the other drivers would of elected to not do that type of work anyway.. so who cares..

That is the wrong mentality to have sir... sounds like your priming yourself up to get taken advantage of. Management doesnt care how hard you work. They just know they have a clown in their back pocket to bail them out of stupid messes. Wait untill your out there running like a fool and get hurt, how much are they gonna like you then.


Well-Known Member
BrownJake there is no way you were paid 4 hours to move trucks around the yard just because you work hard. Period. Crap stories like that make you impossible to believe.


That is the wrong mentality to have sir... sounds like your priming yourself up to get taken advantage of. Management doesnt care how hard you work. They just know they have a clown in their back pocket to bail them out of stupid messes. Wait untill your out there running like a fool and get hurt, how much are they gonna like you then.
Who's running???? Who's working at a pace that they can't handle?? Not I.. I am working hard yes.. but not at their pace, at mine..


BrownJake there is no way you were paid 4 hours to move trucks around the yard just because you work hard. Period. Crap stories like that make you impossible to believe.
You only read what you want... I just told you, moving trucks, delivering ndas. Helping the ladies in the center... But you only read moving trucks.. sounds legit.. another dumb driver that can't read... Good day..

Orion inc.

I like turtles
Why do you act like you know everything? Do you know the sat manager can't get people to show up on Saturdays? So they're are no grievances to be filed when no one wants the work.. he is actually about to put on effect that all tcds are mandatory to report because we're short every Saturday. This is why I get 7-8 hours on a Saturday @ $43 an hour.. I'm not working hard to get more work at all like you think, I'll just saying "yes" when offered the work. If no one wants it, I'll take it.. I'm banking as much as I can preparing to go back in the hub in January for a few months.. I know I'll be back out in the summer when the vacas are in full swing.. why do you think I'm working so hard and kissing management's door knob? All I'm doing is saying yes when they ask me to work.. I'm not running myself into the ground.. but I am doing the best job I can do.

Being a union employee doesn't mean you can slack and do a crappy job cause you've got a union to fall back on and protect you. The union is there to ensure you're treated fair and just! Seems like most of you take advantage of the protection they offer and just make things harder on management. You're still suppose to do a good job day in and day out.. maybe if you did that, we wouldn't be looking at a pay cut for the new guys coming up soon.. buy is cool, you guys got the contract you wanted while screwing the new class.. so you're all grandfathered in while we all get to do the same job for less.. great job taking care of your brother's.. that's a fantastic union!! Employees like you are what ruin good jobs and abuse contracts!

Once again the more you post, the more you show you have no idea what you're talking about or how ups works.

If Saturday work is available and you already have 5 reports as a TCD mon-fri, then the extra OT is offered in seniority order from FT down in your center. All it takes is one FT driver to file a grievance and get paid on you and that causes your center manager a headache. It happens. Seen it many times.

As far as your other babbling. What are you talking about pay cuts for new guys. Show me in the current contract where you and the new guys are taking a pay cut. I'll wait.

The only thing is the progression is 4 years. FT rate has not been cut and there is no two tier wage system in place under the contract. TCDs are not FT and make 80%. This has been like that in the southern since TCDs were implemented. You'd know this if you actually read the contract and understood it. You don't.

You're speculating something that hasn't happened or even been proposed at all. So you're basically ranting about something that doesn't exist. And you call others stupid???

By this post you should just put your letter in for management. Seems you are a die hard company man but you probably love the benefits and protection of the union while despising it and its members.

Employees like me are why you have the pay and benefits/contract protection you do. Because employees like me enforce it and hold ups to it when the issue arises. Employees like you are why will see a slow demise of those protections and benefits.


Once again the more you post, the more you show you have no idea what you're talking about or how ups works.

If Saturday work is available and you already have 5 reports as a TCD mon-fri, then the extra OT is offered in seniority order from FT down in your center. All it takes is one FT driver to file a grievance and get paid on you and that causes your center manager a headache. It happens. Seen it many times.

As far as your other babbling. What are you talking about pay cuts for new guys. Show me in the current contract where you and the new guys are taking a pay cut. I'll wait.

The only thing is the progression is 4 years. FT rate has not been cut and there is no two tier wage system in place under the contract. TCDs are not FT and make 80%. This has been like that in the southern since TCDs were implemented. You'd know this if you actually read the contract and understood it. You don't.

You're speculating something that hasn't happened or even been proposed at all. So you're basically ranting about something that doesn't exist. And you call others stupid???

By this post you should just put your letter in for management. Seems you are a die hard company man but you probably love the benefits and protection of the union while despising it and its members.

Employees like me are why you have the pay and benefits/contract protection you do. Because employees like me enforce it and hold ups to it when the issue arises. Employees like you are why will see a slow demise of those protections and benefits.
We'll see...
Once again the more you post, the more you show you have no idea what you're talking about or how ups works.

If Saturday work is available and you already have 5 reports as a TCD mon-fri, then the extra OT is offered in seniority order from FT down in your center. All it takes is one FT driver to file a grievance and get paid on you and that causes your center manager a headache. It happens. Seen it many times.

As far as your other babbling. What are you talking about pay cuts for new guys. Show me in the current contract where you and the new guys are taking a pay cut. I'll wait.

The only thing is the progression is 4 years. FT rate has not been cut and there is no two tier wage system in place under the contract. TCDs are not FT and make 80%. This has been like that in the southern since TCDs were implemented. You'd know this if you actually read the contract and understood it. You don't.

You're speculating something that hasn't happened or even been proposed at all. So you're basically ranting about something that doesn't exist. And you call others stupid???

By this post you should just put your letter in for management. Seems you are a die hard company man but you probably love the benefits and protection of the union while despising it and its members.

Employees like me are why you have the pay and benefits/contract protection you do. Because employees like me enforce it and hold ups to it when the issue arises. Employees like you are why will see a slow demise of those protections and benefits.
Some Union people consider TCD's as the first step in a two tier wage system.


Well-Known Member
I guess.. just got paid 4 hours to move PCs around the yard and park them and run 1 nda an hour out and back.. I hope the other 6 that got sent home do file.. everyone should get paid. :)

You only read what you want... I just told you, moving trucks, delivering ndas. Helping the ladies in the center... But you only read moving trucks.. sounds legit.. another dumb driver that can't read... Good day..
Reread YOUR own two post's describing what you did for 4 hours and you say I'm a dumb truck driver? I'll highlight the discrepancies so the rest of the dumb truck drivers don't miss them. So it went from moving trucks(they're package cars by the way)and delivering 1 nda,to moving trucks and delivering multiple nda's and helping the ladies in the center? I guess you're right I can't read. Good day Jakebag.

Orion inc.

I like turtles
Reread YOUR own two post's describing what you did for 4 hours and you say I'm a dumb truck driver? I'll highlight the discrepancies so the rest of the dumb truck drivers don't miss them. So it went from moving trucks(they're package cars by the way)and delivering 1 nda,to moving trucks and delivering multiple nda's and helping the ladies in the center? I guess you're right I can't read. Good day Jakebag.

Bet they code him at air driver rate for that day and not TCD.


Resident Suit
They don't understand that buddy.. they're not looking for reason, they're just trash talkers.. nothing else to do.. I just said a whole bunch of drivers were sent home.. on top of all the Saturday PCs that were just parked wherever this past weekend and needing to be put in their places.. it's cool.. I'm a liar about everything.. even when I post pictures.. I proved I made more then they do.. I proved i was driving when they said it was impossible.. it's not even worth it anymore.. they're just overgrown children.. typical dumb truck drivers...
It's called reality. No building is cutting so many routes that it should take anybody 4 hours to move package cars.

And you're not putting anybody in their place, you're an idiot.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Yeah it doesn't work that way here. No matter how many times you want to say it.